The Game Changer: Virtual Signing

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In the ever-evolving landscape, traditional paper-based processes are being replaced by more efficient and secure alternatives. Real estate closings, once characterized by piles of paperwork and lengthy in-person meetings, are now being transformed through the power of virtual signing. In this blog, we will explore the benefits and efficiencies of virtual signing for real estate closings, dispelling common myths and misconceptions along the way.

What is a virtual signing?

Virtual signing in real estate refers to the process of electronically signing documents related to a real estate transaction, such as purchase agreements, mortgage contracts, and legal documents. Instead of physically signing paper documents, virtual signing allows parties involved in the transaction to sign the necessary paperwork electronically using secure online platforms.

During a virtual closing, documents are typically presented by a real estate lawyer or a notary in a digital format, and the signatories can review each page, electronically sign their name, and provide any required initials or annotations. The Deeded platform ensures the authenticity and integrity of the signatures and provides a clear audit trail for verification purposes.

Enhanced Efficiency: Saving Time and Streamlining the Process

Virtual signing eliminates the need for physical meetings, allowing parties involved in a real estate transaction to sign documents conveniently and securely from anywhere, at any time. Signers and their lawyer can be in different locations and all that is requires is a computer, phone, or tablet, along with a reliable internet connection. A virtual signing eliminates the time-consuming back-and-forth of coordinating schedules and arranging in-person signings. With a few clicks, documents can be shared, reviewed, and signed, expediting the closing process and reducing administrative burdens.

Consider John, a busy professional juggling work and family commitments. With virtual signing, John can review and sign important documents on his own schedule, without the need to take time off work or travel to a lawyer's office. This newfound flexibility allows for a seamless and efficient closing experience, accommodating the demands of modern lifestyles.

Are virtual signings secure?

In the digital age, security is paramount, especially when it comes to sensitive real estate transactions. Virtual signing platforms such as, employ advanced security measures, including identity verification processes, to ensure the authenticity and integrity of each signature and each signer. Through encrypted communications and secure servers, personal information is safeguarded, reducing the risk of unauthorized access or identity theft. A virtual signing process in real estate offers enhanced security measures compared to traditional in-person signings, making it less prone to fraud. Here's how:

  1. ID Verification: Virtual signing platforms often incorporate robust identity verification protocols. Signatories are required to provide valid identification documents, which are then verified against reliable databases. This ensures that only authorized individuals participate in the signing process, reducing the risk of impersonation and fraudulent activity.
  2. Secure Encryption: Virtual signing platforms utilize advanced encryption technology to safeguard the integrity and confidentiality of the signed documents. The information is encrypted during transmission, making it extremely difficult for unauthorized parties to intercept or tamper with the data.
  3. Secure Encryption: Virtual signing platforms utilize advanced encryption technology to safeguard the integrity and confidentiality of the signed documents. The information is encrypted during transmission, making it extremely difficult for unauthorized parties to intercept or tamper with the data.
  4. Audit Trail: Virtual signing platforms create a detailed audit trail for each signing session. This includes timestamps, IP addresses, and other relevant information that allows parties to track and verify the signing process. Any unauthorized modifications or attempts to tamper with the documents can be easily identified, providing an additional layer of security.
  5. Document Integrity: With virtual signing, the digital documents are protected against alterations. Each page is typically locked once it is signed, preventing any unauthorized modifications or additions. This ensures that the signed documents remain in their original state, reducing the risk of fraudulent changes.
  6. Access Controls: Virtual signing platforms offer robust access controls, allowing only authorized individuals to view and sign the documents. Multiple layers of authentication, such as passwords or two-factor authentication, are often implemented to ensure that only the intended signatories can access the documents.
  7. SOC-2 Compliance: Rest assured, Deeded is SOC-2 approved, which is the highest level of security standard available. This means we've met rigorous criteria for data security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. In practical terms, every step of your interaction with us—from data storage to system access—is carefully monitored and managed to ensure your sensitive information remains safe. Our SOC-2 certification is a testament to our commitment to keeping your data secure, so you can confidently use our services knowing that your privacy and trust are our top priorities.

Reducing Errors with Virtual Signing

Signatures Traditional paper-based closings can be prone to human error, with the possibility of missing signatures or incomplete documentation. Virtual signing platforms address this challenge by providing clear visual cues and verification processes to ensure that each page is accurately signed and all required fields are completed.

This minimizes the risk of mistakes and discrepancies, leading to a more reliable and error-free closing process.Imagine Sarah, a first-time homebuyer excitedly signing her closing documents. With virtual signing, Sarah can view each page of the document, verify her signature on-screen, and ensure that all necessary sections are properly completed. This attention to detail gives Sarah confidence in the accuracy and completeness of her signed documents, providing peace of mind during this significant milestone.

Is virtual signing only for the tech-savvy?

One common misconception about virtual signing is that it is exclusively tailored for the tech-savvy or younger generation. However, virtual signing platforms are designed with user-friendly interfaces and intuitive navigation, making them accessible to individuals of all ages and technological backgrounds.

Consider Mary, a retiree who recently sold her property. Initially hesitant about the virtual signing process due to her limited technology experience, Mary was pleasantly surprised by the simplicity and user-friendly nature of the platform.

With the guidance of her real estate agent, Mary successfully navigated through the virtual signing process, signing the necessary documents with ease. This real-life example emphasizes that virtual signing is not limited to a specific age group or technological expertise, allowing individuals of all backgrounds to reap its benefits.

Does virtual signing cost more than a traditional visit to a lawyer's office?

Actually, it's quite the opposite. For starters, a virtual signing eliminates the need to travel, saving you transportation costs, parking fees, and potential accommodation expenses, especially if the signing involves parties from different locations. There is no need to physically gather all parties in one location, which can require taking time off work and potentially losing wages.In addition, a virtual signing reduces or eliminates costs associated with printing, scanning, and mailing physical documents. All of these costs typically add up and are either incorporated in legal fees or charged back to the customer as a disbursement.  

The digital nature of virtual signing allows for efficient document storage, retrieval, and sharing, reducing the need for physical storage space and associated costs.

How can I find a real estate lawyer who can do virtual signing

That's easy. Deeded connects you with friendly and experienced Real Estate Lawyers for a streamlined, transparent, and virtual real estate and mortgage closing experience. Getting started with your virtual closing is just a click away.

The Bottom Line

Virtual signing revolutionizes the real estate industry by offering benefits such as enhanced efficiency, robust security through ID verification, avoidance of potential mistakes, and accessibility for individuals of all technological backgrounds. It is a game-changer that streamlines the closing process, saves time, and provides peace of mind. So, whether you're a first-time homebuyer or a seasoned investor, virtual signing opens doors to a more efficient, secure, and inclusive real estate experience, regardless of your age or technological familiarity. Embrace the power of virtual signing and embark on a new era.

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